When you create an account on The Spot, you acknowledge that you have read and agree with all of the following rules:
General rules
Remain respectful and inclusive to those around you. Offensive language, discrimination/hate-speech, bullying/personal attacks, witch hunts, or intentionally hurtful behavior will not be tolerated.
Keep your critiquing and the way you handle feedback constructive and respectful.
Use English whenever possible.
Do not post any NSFW/NSFL or sensitive material. This includes but is not limited to things such as unsafe links, photosensitive epilepsy triggers.
You may not promote, distribute, or provide access to content involving the hacking, cracking, or distribution of pirated software or stolen accounts.
Do not spam. This includes comments, images or other content.
No impersonating or revealing others' personal information. This includes actively impersonating someone else and deliberately revealing private information such as emails/passwords, pictures, social media/accounts, as well as private messages.
Do not share content available with The Spot+ with other users.
We reserve the right to remove uploaded or posted content, or suspend you for any reason and for any amount of time.
This list does not represent a complete list of all the rules on The Spot. Cases not stated here are at the discretion of our moderators.
Changes to our rules
We may update these rules at any time and without notice. Check this page occasionally to ensure you’re familiar with our rules in case of any changes.
If you have questions regarding these rules, you may contact us by email at [email protected] or on our Discord server.