Currency Converter: Open Source App Redesign

There are many open source enthusiasts united to find a solution for mutual problem by creating worthwhile software; however, in many cases aesthetics and UX are overlooked in the heat of development 🏗️

So I've attempted to fix that for an opensource android app Currency Converter 💵

After couple month of active usage, I discovered some UX issues and UI inconsistencies, and hopefully managed to tackle them in this project 🎨

Please let me know what you think ❤️



It's hard to give many critiques without seeing the interactions. However, it looks sleek and professional. I fear that you may have gone a bit too sleek at the cost of usability. Using iconography without labeling can cause user error. It's not entirely clear how one changes the amount of "my currency" at the bottom, either. Is it an interstitial screen that's not provided?

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